Elker - The Leading Platform for Managing Public Interest Disclosures

Australian government departments face unique challenges in maintaining public sector trust and integrity. Elker is a tailored whistleblowing platform that equips departments with the tools they need to comply with the Public Interest Disclosure Act and address workplace issues such as sexual harassment and discrimination. Secure, anonymous reporting protects the identity of those making disclosures and helps to encourage a culture of transparency.

Elker helps with the positive duty: Reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate sexual harassment in Australian workplaces

Of workers
1/5 Australian workers have been the victim of sexual harassment in the last year
Average cost of avoidable investigations
Employees that don't trust classic feedback processes

Ensuring compliance with Elker

Elker streamlines the process of compliance and reporting for Australian government departments, with features that support adherence to public sector standards and laws, such as:

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Sex Discrimination Act 1984

Meet the positive duty requirements with Elker's robust reporting and case management tools.

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Workplace Health and Safety regulations

Prioritise psychosocial safety and address concerns proactively.

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Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013

Conduct thorough investigations into misconduct, rights violations and financial crime, upholding transparency and duty of care.


Efficient Reporting. Accountable Governance. Ethical Practices.

Elker is not merely a whistleblowing platform but a comprehensive solution offering anonymous reporting, pulse surveys, and case management designed to keep Australian government departments compliant and ensure a workplace conducive to public trust.

File an anonymous report on the Elker platform

Addressing misconduct and upholding public trust

Whistleblowing: Elker offers a secure and truly anonymous channel for civil servants to report discrimination, misconduct, bullying, sexual harassment and fraud without fear of reprisal.

Communication channels: Facilitate secure discussions, allowing staff to offer additional information or receive clarification while maintaining confidentiality.

Search & filtering: Employ powerful search tools to swiftly manage reports, addressing urgent issues and prioritising public service integrity.

Comprehensive whistleblowing case management | Elker

Robust case management and reporting protocols

Case management: Turn reports into actionable cases with full accountability, fostering trust in government operations.

Custom workflows: Tailor Elker to fit the unique procedures of public departments, ensuring smooth integration.

Secure reporting: Export reports while maintaining the highest standards of data security and integrity.

Real-time data reporting and analytics | Elker

Analytics and insights for public service improvement

Real-time dashboard: Gain immediate insights into departmental trends, identifying areas for improvement.

Data-driven decisions: Use analytics to inform policy-making and risk-management strategies.

Accessible data: Share and analyse data in formats that support government transparency and accountability.

Pulse surveys and culture audit platform | Elker

Pulse surveys for employee engagement

Real-time feedback: Assess the morale and engagement of departmental staff to improve the workplace environment.

Cultural assessments: Conduct in-depth culture audits to identify and mitigate risks.

Post-case reviews: Use feedback to measure the effectiveness of case resolutions and encourage ongoing improvement.

2-way encrypted chat for anonymous reporting | Elker

Assuring anonymity and data security

Stringent security measures: Meet or exceed ISO27001 standards, with regular audits to protect against vulnerabilities.

End-to-end encryption: Protect all sensitive data, in transit and at rest, with encryption that meets government standards.

Data retention policy: Ensure data is stored according to legislative requirements, with servers located within the jurisdiction.

Share reports to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) with Elker

Adhering to public sector compliance and ethics

Comprehensive solution: Elker aligns with the unique frameworks and standards that govern Australian government departments.

Regulatory updates: Stay current with evolving public sector regulations, ensuring departmental practices meet every requirement.

Public sector focus: Designed for government use, ensuring compliance with all relevant legislation and ethical standards.

Why Elker?

Fortifying integrity and public confidence

Government departments must navigate a landscape where transparency and accountability are paramount. Non-compliance and misconduct can erode public trust, with far-reaching consequences. Elker's anonymous reporting tools encourage staff to speak up about corruption, abuse of power, misconduct and maladministration, without fear of their identity being compromised. 

A proactive solution aids in the early identification of issues and fosters an environment of ethical practice. By integrating Elker, departments demonstrate their commitment to integrity and build a foundation for public confidence and service excellence.

Frequently asked questions

How is anonymity guaranteed?
How easy is it to get set up with Elker?
What if my government department has a unique structure or requirements?
Building trust and transparency with

Interested to find out more?

Get a walk-through of our anonymous reporting platform. See how Elker can help with compliance and build a culture of trust in your organisation. Friendly, no obligations, no pushy sales strategies.